January 2019 Newsletter

Some of you I have known for very long, while some of you I have only just met in the past few months. To those new friends, thank you for showing a genuine interest in my story, Splendor of Dawn. It has been a part of my life for many years now and 2018 finally saw it published and printed! I still can’t believe that it’s a ‘real’ book. I have my own copy nestled on my bookshelf and because of my last name, it sits next to Grimm’s Fairy Tales.

As the new year begins, I can’t help but reflect on the exciting adventure that was 2018. It was only this last spring that I decided I had waited long enough and that I had held onto this story to myself far too long. I shared my thoughts and concerns regarding self-publication, but was left reaffirmed and eventually determined. After six years of allowing the story to mature and evolve, I finally felt comfortable enough to publish it. I swiftly met an incredible editor who agreed to work with this odd writer from Delaware, resulting in the completed book. That experience on its own was amazing. At the same time, I worked with a cover artist and brought the image into technicolor as Devlyn appeared on the cover before my eyes. Holding the printed book in my hands that first time, after all the work and dedication, was a very surreal moment for me.

Following the book’s release, it was placed in thirty independent bookstores across the country through a partnership with Dart Frog Books. The next big step for me involved attending events and sharing my book in person and reading passages from it! I’ve been left overwhelmed and humbled by the kindness and generosity of everyone I’ve met. Needless to say, the months since the book’s release have been very exciting. I even managed to somehow balance the book release with my graduate studies in architecture! Soon after the release, reviews started appearing on Amazon and GoodReads, melting my heart in the process. Thank you to everyone who has done so, reviews truly are the bread and butter to a new author!

In mid December, I sent the second book to my editor to begin the process of getting it ready for publication! My goal is to have it ready for a either a summer or fall 2019 release! I can’t wait to share the next chapter in the Jewel of Life with you all.